July 2022

VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
Teh Jia Rou
Faculty of History, University of Science and Education, The University of Danang No. 459 Ton Duc Thang St., Lien Chieu District, Danang city, 550000, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i7-66

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The article studies the cultural values of the Hoa people (The Chinese people) community in Hoi An (Vietnam). In particular, in the field of material culture, the author of this article delves into the architecture, costumes, and cuisine of the Hoa people in Hoi An. Considering the spiritual culture aspect, the article examines the core contents in terms of religion, belief, language, customs, and practices of the Chinese community here. At the same time, clarify the cultural exchange between Vietnam and China to create the cultural identity of Hoi An today. To conduct research on this issue, the author relies on original documents and academic achievements of Vietnamese and international scholars. The author combines two main methods of History, namely the historical method and the logical method, with other research methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc., to complete the study’s contents. The article will contribute to clarifying the cultural values of the Chinese community in Southeast Asia as well as in Vietnam and Hoi An in particular.


The Hoa people (The Chinese people), culture, Hoi An, material culture, non-material culture


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VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022

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